How Does Antivirus Detect Keyloggers ?

Would you like it if someone watches over all your online activities? Not at all. We all value our online security and privacy.  No one would want their online activities…

Does Antivirus Detect Keyloggers?

The advent of technology has been one of the biggest boons for us as a generation. While our previous generations lived in the age of letters, radios, and much later…

Does Antivirus Protect Against Hackers?

The number of hackers around the world is growing rapidly. The figures are even greater when you look upon the methods they are using to hack your computer. With just…

Does Antivirus Slow Down Gaming?

Whether you are an explicitly avid gamer or not, you will undoubtedly agree with the conventional notion that antivirus software impacts a PC / laptop’s performance. This, in turn, slows…

Does Antivirus Stop Malware?

You must have noticed something different on your system, for example, corrupted files, unwanted advertisements online, and slow functioning of your system. This indicates that your system is attacked by…

Do Antivirus Slow Down Computer?

Antivirus protection has become an integral addition to our computers nowadays. The threat of being targeted by cyber-attacks and malicious malware is ever increasing. A good antivirus helps protect your…

What Antivirus Does The Government Use?

For the non-sensitive cases, the government generally uses the same antivirus software as big enterprises. If you run into any government office, you will notice computers with the antivirus protection…

Which Antivirus Does Apple Recommend

Apple is recognized remarkably for its resistance to dodge malicious attacks, which is an ongoing ritual in the tech world.  Its gatekeeper hallmark helps recognize warnings and any likely attacks…

What is the Best Antivirus For Chromebook

Computer viruses are no joke, and people who’ve suffered the dread of viruses know it the best. And that is why it is important to invest in the agave for…

Antivirus with Comcast: What Is It and Why Must You Get It?

One of the most important aspects of any system or infrastructure is its information security. Overlooking even little information security loopholes in the business or personal systems can be a…